Monday, August 27, 2007

About End of World 2012

About 2012 Facts 12 21 12

About 2012 Facts 12 21 12 All that will be left is your soul's judgment of you - their Bearer - and your treatment of them. Will you end up a soulless abomination after 2012 the end of the world? About 2012, about 12 21 12, about December 21 2012, 2012 facts.2012 See: 12 21 12 Facts A choice that only you can make of returning, with those you love, to a purified and wonderful Earth - Or - ending up soulless never to return to Earth nor see your loved ones again
Revelations unveiled: 12 21 12 Facts: An individual can, if not already, start by preparing for your companion's - meaning your soul's memories of remembrances - Déjà vu, of you - the physical (temporal) Host who has been the bearer of their companionship?

It begins December 21, 2012 as each individual will be judged by their own soul - who will determine whether or not their Bearer (you) is going to be able to retain your soul's companionship। NO! The soulless will never be allowed back on a purified Earth। About 2012, Moreover, the Soulless - will never be allowed the company of any loved ones, again!
The judgment, 2012 Facts about 12 21 1212 21 12 Facts: After the end of the world, as it is now known, how one has shown respect for their soul and those of others will determine whether they are allowed to return to a purified Earth। And have, along with loved ones, the right to eternal life. Or, failing your soul, and thus becoming soulless - spending immortality as a part of the violent screaming hordes flowing forever in the

River Nothingness. December 21, 2012 approaches quickly as does the twilights dawning of the final judgment। Each individual will meet their past in the future and quickly remember, something already known but just might have forgotten, that all souls came to their bearer as the gift of life।
Revelations Unveiled: That soul, yours, all souls, came in complete sinless innocents with the hopes that their host, the bearer, they chose would lovingly protect them from self anger, ill conniving, sleaze and immoral acts।

Revelations unveiled of December 21, 2012 - There will be a wide open book of and about each and every single individual who has ever received a soul। Moreover, all will see, from this open book, how each individual treated their soul and respected them self।
Facts: You - me - all: Every single individual that has ever lived will be there to see and to listen as any and all things you have not corrected for the better self, all souls and the hosts of Heaven will know the real you! They will witness how you treated and respected, the companionship of the sinless - gift of life - the innocent soul - you were graced with। As now that soul, those same sweet innocent souls will be the judge and jury of whether they want to stay with those that have hosted them। We, the bearers, have no say or vote।
2012 Note: Should the soul in all its innocents choose to move on preferring to join with another host of choice 12 21 12 then the past host becomes a soulless spirit memory of remembrances never to have or receive another soul।
Again, those soulless have no choice as they are forever known as an abomination। And, no innocent soul will ever be their companion, again।
Repeat it! Remember it! From the date of 12/21/ 12, the soulless have proven they are an abomination not worthy to bear, once again, an innocent sinless soul। These abomination are cursed, for immortality, to become a part of the mingling Hordes of the River Nothingness. Never again to know anything but their own violent memories of remembrances.

2012 Past, Present and Future Children - Their Births and Their Souls। 2012 The celestial and galactic tides of 2012 meets you face on, and the free agency once again given the soul, sets in progression a choice of a past or new bearer for the soul and or souls each individual will host। If they were, the soul, respected and treated with kindness? Then you, an emissary of tender humble kind loving decent morals, will succeed to a new level of companionship। A gift you are already aware of but just may have forgotten ↔Then your soul will share you with a wonderful new comprehension of eternal life with beauty beyond description.

2012 You will once again know your past loved ones - within a blink of an eye - and times of great jubilations। A fact: Those who've always treated sweet souls of others with kindness and those who've stood up for the freedom and rights to life of the innocent will never lose the companionship of their present soul. But, as a loving home - host and bearer - of kind and gracious morals may find others souls have chosen them as their spirit companion. And, should it be those other visiting souls, when given a chance, will move on and be known as children. Instead of just being an immortal soulless spirit - you will have and be a part of the moving of true life for all eternity.

Some► Links- 2012 Veiled Prophet - 2012 De-Creation Predictions - Important ABOUT 2012 - - 12 21 12 End of Time - 2012 River Nothingness - 12 21 12 Facts - 12 21 12 - 2012 Countdown Galactic Clock - Our World at War